"Support whatever Obama opposes
and oppose whatever Obama supports".
and oppose whatever Obama supports".
Now listen to Mao Tsetung: "Interview with Three Correspondents from the Central News Agency,
the Sao Tang Pao and the Hsin Min Pao" (September 16, 1939), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 272.
"We should support whatever the enemy opposes
and oppose whatever the enemy supports."
Is this really the best we can do?
and oppose whatever the enemy supports."
Is this really the best we can do?
Hi Harvey,
Compromise has put this country on the road to financial ruin and endangered our liberty. One group wants government to make life for citizens risk free, equal outcome for all, public-private partnership (fascism), pick winners and losers. The other group wants less government intrusion in their affairs, no top down control over the economy, no picking companies to support or not.
I am not speaking of political parties because both the majors have come together to create this disaster. Some are aware of the end result of our current path and are upsetting the status quo.
Last fall I took “The Road To Serfdom” by F.A. Hayek to Italy and reread it. Fifty plus years have passed since it was published and it is as valid today as it was then. Also good op-ed in WSJ today. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203893404577100330414585006.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
Progressives and liberals (old usage-liberty) are passionate in their beliefs and it is going to be hard find solution. The people will decide in Nov.
Hi Richard, welcome back.
"One group wants government to make life for citizens risk free, equal outcome for all, public-private partnership (fascism), pick winners and losers. The other group wants less government intrusion in their affairs, no top down control over the economy, no picking companies to support or not."
Your comment has the same fatal flaw of most political positions - characterizing the "other" as black or white, either or, all or nothing. I'm considered a 'lefty' but I surely don't expect life to be risk free.
But I also don't accept the premise that unregulated capitalism will put the best interests of the public before profits, that is until some serious injuries occur to the former to have an impact on the latter. For me, that risk is not acceptable.
Best to you all for the Holidays
Hi Rich, Hope you continue to improve every day.
I finally read the link you posted on the WSJ site by Jeb Bush. Near as I can see it's simply survival of the fittest. I guess that is one way to look at it, it's just not my way.
Keep moving toward full recovery.
Best to you and Pam.
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